Tuesday, November 08, 2005
you know you've become a gook when you're at home on guy fawkes night. granted, i wasnt at home. I was at nick's place trying to piece the paragarphs of my essay together.. with Dick, Fiona and Ed, and the 20 ton refrigerated supertransported and rotten strawberries that became the subject of a $18,000 law suit..yea you get the idea. well, I was sitting at john's com squinting at the screen in the dark - how nice can i get, that guy just got back from the airport and needed his 100 winks, when sudenly the whole window in front of you just lights up. And the sky turns a million shades of shiny sparks that explode and twinkle and smile before fading away. in the distance, some really rich guy's putting off his million dollar fire works the kind that has two shells- the white explodes first, then the red inside the white to gie a starburst of showers with comet tails, dragonheads, exploding balls whatever you call them. Bonfires going on all over the country to celebrate the wonderful misdeeds of some clueless chap who tried to blow up the british parliament 100 years ago. what a sadistic sense of humour these brits have. evryone fromthe kids in the nxt estate to that loaded guy right by the london eye( which incidentally canbe seen from john's window) is setting off fireworks, or firecrackles or firecackles for the really cheap ass ones. sigh, then i think of the times my experience with fireworks is sadly limited to the sparklers at mooncake fest in sept. can u imagine if we had fireworks to set off at home? think my dad would have a fit about the explosive ruining the granite floors in the courtyard. we're having a bonfire party at berrylands tomorrow- ha proves im not such a beeper anymore. today we were having a discussion through email about the barrel. yes thorugh email. apparently rugby chavs dont really have much better things to do then sit by theri facebook pages and lse accounts everyday, but yes, coming from a rugby girl. for the uninitiated, the barrel is an annual AU affairs on the second last fridya of michaelmas term, where the AU gives itself blanket approval for one day of lesson skipping, boozing, fining - pure hedonistic fun - or wickedness ddepending on how you look at it. we've got all the sports teams dress up according to their team's theme of the year, and turn up in the school bar at 11am for the first round of drinking. Drink tags cost 5 pounds per wrist, and are redeemable thorughout the day until 7 at the underground for an unlimited supply of fosters snakebite, housepours.. you name the works? think its a good deal? whats even better is if you get fined. what this is is tht your captain gets to haul ppl up for various misendeavours throughout the year up on stage, where they spin the wheeeeeeeeeeeeel , depending on where it stops, its a pull, 2 pulls, a pint , 3 pints,.. so you actually get even more free drinks - morethan you can even imagine. by 2 pm, the floor is a sea of red flooded with snakebite and there a designated puke bin right next to the stage. ha wicked the fun doesnt stop there, there's ran dom karaoke throughout the day, an amplification of wednesday nights and walkabouts by about 100 times, and around 4 the stripping starts. barrel tradition has it that a rugby frist team fresher steps pissed and is stripped down to his balls and thrown into the street, whereupon he has tpo run thorugh the school - thorugh lts, throug the library, with luck this year even through kings, with the rest of the AU bunch chasing after him in fancy dress, or undress, its a show stopping sight, the whole school turns out to line houghton street for the run, and it almost always makes the beaver - almost- within the bounds of decency eh? turns out this year, we're thinking something ************. Not telling what we're coming in. Wait and see